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United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on Kashmir (By: Dr.Zeeshan Khan)

United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on Kashmir (By Dr.Zeeshan Khan)
Written by Dr. Zeeshan Khan

Sun Tzu in his book ‘The Art of War’ says that the supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting. Recently, the painful story of Kashmir again started after revocation Of Article 370 and 35A Of Indian Constitution which was also the part of the manifesto of Indian Ruling BJP. Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan addressed joint session of his parliament and later parliament of Azad Kashmir to warn Indian Prime Minister Narender Modi against implementation of Hitler’s Nazi Mentality in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. In IOJ&K, more than twelve days of curfew, presence of extra troops in an already heavily militarised occupied territory. Additionally, sending in of RSS goons, complete communication blackout; with the example of Modi’s earlier ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Gujarat. Will world silently witness another Srebrenica-type massacre and ethnic cleansing of Muslims in IOJ&K? Pakistan wanted to warn that it will have severe repercussions and reactions in all over the world setting off radicalisation and cycles of violence.

International media especially BBC, CNN and New York Times presented the true picture of sufferings of people of Kashmir. Amnesty International said that actions of Indian Govt. in Kashmir have thrown ordinary people’s lives into turmoil, subjecting them to unnecessary pain and distress. Pakistan’s Ambassador in America, Asad Majeed Khan performed very well as he visited New York Times office and rightly put Pakistan’s stance before editorial board of the newspaper.

Read also: Dismantled Kashmir (By: Dr. Zeeshan Khan)

Protestors on the streets of Pakistan, France, UK, Germany, and Other countries all gathered to mark 15th August as Black Day and spoke for humanity and IOJ&K freedom.

United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on Kashmir (By Dr.Zeeshan Khan)

Meanwhile The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) held a session in New York on 16th August to discuss Jammu and Kashmir dispute. According to diplomatic sources, the UN Security Council discussed the Kashmir dispute under agenda item Pakistan-India question.

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This is a success for Kashmir and Pakistan. The debate is happening after five decades though last time it was discussed in the mid of 1960s. It is first time since 1965 that a meeting exclusively on IOJ&K took place. This likely won’t lead to much. But the fact it’s taking place underscores how Pakistan is not “isolated” globally. It is a diplomatic upset for India at U.N Security Council meeting on Kashmir.

During UNSC session, China quoted at UNSC that there should be solution for Kashmir through UN resolutions. Beijing opposed any unilateral action, urged all sides to exercise restraint. India’s actions have also violated China’s sovereignty and violated bilateral agreements. Kashmir is an internationally recognized dispute that must be peacefully resolved in accordance with the UN Charter, UNSC resolution and bilateral agreements, said Chinese representative at UNSC strengthening Pakistan’s stance.

Last time when Jammu and Kashmir found a reference in UNSC resolutions was in 1998 in resolution 1172, after Pakistan conducted nuclear tests. However, the mention under India Pakistan question is after decades.

According to Micheal Kugelman- deputy director for South Asia at Woodrow Wilson Center, Pakistan and India can both claim victory on UNSC consultation. Pakistan has the view that she is internationalising Kashmir while India said that It’s just a consultation.

However, in efforts to divert attention from precarious situation in IOJ&K, Indian Army increases firing along Line Of Control(LOC). Indian and Pakistani soldiers embraced martyrdom on both sides of the LOC with other havocs too. Intermittent exchange of fire continues. But, the main culprit of all these tensions is merely war hysteric Indian PM Modi, who in jingoistic and RSS hysteric approach is harming humanity at large.

Twelve days later, restoration of landlines in IOJ&K is kafkaesque version of relief from Indian government when the clampdown remains. Why are Kashmiri leaders, who swore by the constitution and took personal risk to counter terrorists still in jail? What is the government scared they will do?

Read Also: Kashmir 2019 – Options with Pakistan (CSS Current Affairs Notes)

Pakistan has always stood by Kashmiris against India’s hegemonic ambitions. World and specifically Pakistan must and has stood in the face of tyranny, regardless of the cost. Use of cluster bombs by Indian Army violating international conventions is highly condemnable. No weapon can suppress determination of Kashmiris to get their right of self determination.

At UNSC meeting on Kashmir, voice of Kashmir has taken a new historic turn. It is a good step towards peace by Pakistan and now, India must realise that detaining suppressed Kashmiris is not good for democratic norms but only represents Hitler’s Nazi mentality towards minorities.

Though there is a good news for Kashmiris and Pakistan as both China and Russia wanted an open session in UN on Kashmir while White House said, “Trump asked India and Pakistan to start dialogue on Kashmir and UNSC consultations ended without a statement. Indian Defense Minister Rajnath Singh has hinted that New Delhi may be rethinking its doctrine of “No First Use” for nuclear weapons which is highly dangerous and condemnable. China circulated a draft statement (critical of India).They were supported by India’s strategic partner, UK. But, By his action Modi has brought Kashmir dispute back at the UN. UNSC meeting proved that Kashmir is not an internal matter for India. It’s a world recognised dispute at the UN and must be resolved with wishes of Kashmiri people.

There is no sign of International pressure to force Modi to undo annexation. Kashmiris continue to bleed. Pakistan will continue fight India’s ‘illegal’ Kashmir move at every forum. Unimplemented resolutions on Kashmir raise questions on UN’s credibility. UN lip service against human rights violations in IOJ&K will not be sufficient. At last, solution of Kashmir is required and it might be now ended on conventional war or proxy war because modi will not retreat. But, can our economy bear the burnt? Pakistan has to strengthen herself economically first. Moreover, peace and Modi both can never exist together in Kashmir. Kashmir still awaits that moment, which comes but rarely in history, when it will step from the old to the new, when an age ends, when the soul of a people 72 years suppressed, finds utterance.

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About the author

Dr. Zeeshan Khan

Dr. Zeeshan Khan is medical doctor by profession and a Content Writer, freelance Writer and a Poet.He is a Motivational Speaker and Columnist and has written for a number of English Dailies like Dawn,Express Tribune,The Business and The Educationist etc.He is also Alumni of LUMS and Winner of All Pakistan Ubqari Story Writing Competition.
Doctor At CMH Hospital

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